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Metoprolol Succinate is used in the treatment of high blood pressure and various other heart-related conditions such as angina (chest pain), and heart failure and also helps prevent further complications. It also helps to prevent migraines. It works by relaxing the blood vessels thereby reducing the load on the heart, resulting in decreased blood pressure. It belongs to an anti-hypertensive class of medicines. Metoprolol Succinate is available in the form of tablets. Inform your doctor if you are pregnant, planning a pregnancy or breastfeeding, and about all the medicines and supplements you take and all the conditions or diseases you suffer from before starting metoprolol succinate.


Uses of Metoprolol Succinate


  • Metoprolol Succinate is used to treat high blood pressure and certain other heart conditions like angina (chest pain), arrhythmia (irregular heartbeats) and heart failure.

  • It is also used to prevent migraines and heart problems following a heart attack.


Contraindications of Metoprolol Succinate


When should one not use Metoprolol Succinate


  • If you are allergic to metoprolol succinate or similar medicines.

  • If you are suffering from any heart conditions such as heart block, low heart rate or heart failure.

  • If you have any liver or kidney problems.

  • If you have asthma or any other lung condition.

  • If you have low blood pressure or diabetes.

  • If you have any electrolyte imbalance, acid-base imbalance.

  • If you are taking medicines like verapamil, diltiazem, disopyramide, etc., to treat heart problems.


Side effects of Metoprolol Succinate


Common side effects of this drug are:


  • Headache

  • Dizziness

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Stomach pain

  • Fatigue

  • A sudden drop in blood pressure when you stand from a seated or lying down position (orthostatic hypotension)


Precautions and Warnings of Metoprolol Succinate



Q:Can I take metoprolol succinate during pregnancy?

A:It is not advised to take metoprolol succinate during pregnancy until it is considered essential by the doctor and potential risks justify the benefits.


Breast Feeding

Q:Can I take metoprolol succinate while breastfeeding?

A:Metoprolol succinate passes into breast milk in small amounts, thus you should consult your doctor before using it while breastfeeding.



Q:Can I drive if I have consumed metoprolol succinate?

A:Domperidone may cause dizziness and sleepiness, thus you need to be cautious while driving.



Q:Can I consume alcohol with metoprolol succinate?

A:Avoid consuming alcohol with metoprolol succinate as it may worsen the side effects.

Other General Warnings


Talk to your doctor if

  • You have problems with your heart, liver or kidneys

  • You have diabetes or an overactive thyroid

  • You have asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

  • You have breathing problems

  • You suffer from a skin condition called psoriasis

  • You have a tumor of adrenal gland tissue (Pheochromocytoma)


Mode of Action of Metoprolol Succinate


How Does It Work?

Metoprolol Succinate relaxes the blood vessels, thus slowing down the heart rate. By doing this, it reduces the workload on the heart of pumping the blood effectively.

Interactions of Metoprolol Succinate.


Interactions with other medicines

  • Some medicines can affect the way metoprolol succinate works or this medicine itself can reduce the effectiveness of other medicines taken at the same time. Tell your doctor about all the medicines, etc....


Dosage of Metoprolol Succinate



Symptoms of overdose may include nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, low blood pressure, and irregular heartbeats. Seek urgent medical help if you suspect an overdose.

Metoprolol Succinate Tablet

    • Metoprolol Succinate is used to treat high blood pressure and certain other heart conditions like angina (chest pain), arrhythmia (irregular heartbeats) and heart failure.

    • It is also used to prevent migraines and heart problems following a heart attack.

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